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Balance Bike with Rear Rubber Suspension

Dhs. 280.00

12" Kids Balance Bike for 2 to 6 yrs. old Balance bike is a bike without pedals. While it has a frame, fork, handlebars, wheels etc, it has no drivetrain. To move forwards, kids push off the ground with their feet, like Fred Flintstone. Another thing balance bikes don’t have is stabilisers...

12" Kids Balance Bike for 2 to 6 yrs. old

Balance bike is a bike without pedals. While it has a frame, fork, handlebars, wheels etc, it has no drivetrain. To move forwards, kids push off the ground with their feet, like Fred Flintstone.

Another thing balance bikes don’t have is stabilisers (A.K.A. training wheels). Since kids have their feet on the ground, they can develop their balance and coordination as they are not supported by stabilisers. This allows kids to develop their balance first, before progressing to pedals.

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